Just Paper Tubes ltd (JPT) are currently following the latest guidance from Public Health England. This blog will be kept up-to date during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Last Updated: 5th May 2020 - 10:05 BST (British Summer Time)
JPT Current Status: No Disruption
% of Staff in Isolation: 4%
Summary: Prioritising NHS, Pharmaceutical and Food Orders, all other customers being completed within normal lead-times.
Commentary: The demand for our products remains higher in specific categories. We don't have any staff in isolation at the moment (Regional levels of covid19 are low compared to national figures (York, North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire & Hull). We've made over 4.4 million cores in April.
Lead-times: Label Cores: Next Day, Film Cores: 36 Hours, All Other Categories: 48 Hours.
Read our latest business update: 6.5 million tubes delivered during a difficult March
Updated Information:
As of 30/03/2020 - Reconfirming: "No Disruption"
As of 18/03/2020 - New Section: Action Plan - we've created a section should we face government closure (with details).
As of 16/03/2020 - Status: We have seen a significant increase in demand, we've increased our production capacity, however we will be working with customers to prioritise their most urgent orders, and extending lead-times on "stock up" orders. Raw Material & Staffing levels are good.
As of 13/03/2020 - New Section: Employee advice - Covid19 Symptoms
As of 12/03/2020 - We expect the government to change the UK's status today. We will start to enact elements of our Action Plan in the coming days, should we start to face disruption. We are now proactively advising customers to increase their stock holdings over the next two weeks, as part of a "Delay" strategy. We have already increased our stock-holding of raw materials.
As of 10/03/2020 - New Page: Action Plan Updated: Country List - All of Italy as Category 1.
As of 09/03/2020 - New Section : Staff non essential travel, New Section: Change to non essential visitors access, Updated: country list (Italy).
As of 06/03/2020 - Just Paper Tubes will require all staff & regular contractors to inform their line manager should they have visited category 1 or 2 areas below in the past 14 days.
Employee Advice
If you are showing symptoms detailed below then we recommend you self-isolate (remote work) where possible for 7 days from the point of displaying mild symptoms.
- High temperature (37.8 and above)
- a new, continuous cough
You do not need to contact NHS 111 or get a sick note, you will be paid SSP.
Employees Business Travel
Just Paper Tubes will reduce its presence in customers/supplier premises as the government prepares to move into the "delay" phase of the Covid-19 response. Where possible we will assist customers via video conference calls. Should urgent customer/supplier site visits be required, employees must get approval from their line manager before.
Non-essential visitor access will be restricted. Essential visitors will be asked to confirm they are not displaying any symptoms of Covid19. Employees must get approval from their line manager before scheduling a meeting with a visitor at JPT.
Where possible employees will be asked to conduct business activities via electronic means. A new visitor log will be developed.
Q: What will JPT do if a member of staff or visitor with suspected COVID-19 has recently visited Just Paper Tubes ?
A: Based on guidance from Public Health England, there is no need to close the workplace or send other members of staff home. Most cases turn out to be negative, therefore until the outcome of test results is known, no action will take place.
Q: What will JPT do if a member of staff or visitor with confirmed COVID-19 has recently visited Just Paper Tubes ?
A: Based on guidance from Public Health England, Closure of the workplace is not recommended. We will work with Public health England to discuss the case, identify people who have been in contact with the employee or visitor. PHE will carry out a risk assessment and we will follow this assessment.
Q: Is there any risk in handling post, packages, raw materials and freight from Category 1 & 2 areas?
A: Based on guidance from Public Health England, There is no perceived increase in risk for handling post or freight from specified areas.
Q: We are a customer of Just Paper Tubes ltd, do you see any supply chain risk?
A: Currently we are operating as normal and are not facing any supply shortages, should we face difficulties, we will update this blog and communicate with our customers.
We have published our Covid-1 Action plan.
Q: I’m an employee, what can I do to help?
1 – Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, or after being in public areas where other people are doing so. Use hand sanitiser if that’s all you have access to.
2 - To reduce the spread of germs when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or your sleeve (not your hands) if you don’t have a tissue, and throw the tissue away immediately. Then wash your hands or use a hand sanitising gel.
3 - Clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces using your regular cleaning products to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people.
4 – Disinfect your work areas at the start and end of every shift – high strength cleaning products will be provided.