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JPT cores support artificial grass & synthetic all-weather sports surfaces!

Avoid your neighbours glaring at you for being anti-social for sprinkling your lawn whilst costing you a fortune if you are now on a water meter!

Fed up with your beloved lawn becoming an arid dessert in late spring then consider having an artificial lawn to replace it?

feel like you spend the best bits of summer cutting grass?

The colour & texture of the first wave of artificial grass availability could only be described as lurid but recent advances in technology means that you can now have synthetic grass installed to your own colour, type & pile requirements. I will look good all year round, it won’t puddle, your children won’t get muddy clothes when it rains, you don’t have to mow it & even the dog will like it !

Many original artificial grass customers are replacing their lawns with the “second wave” of more technically advanced synthetic grass.

Similarly, new technology has vastly improved the availability, cost & type of synthetic turf for sports surfaces & pitches promoting all-year-round activities such as football & athletics. It prevents a beautifully manicured pitch from becoming a mud-bath during the autumn & winter months thus enticing would-be participants to become more involved in taking exercise!

Just who is the supporting cardboard core & tubes manufacturer used by the leading artificial grass & synthetic sports turf pitch manufacturers & distributors in the UK? Just Paper Tubes – that’s who!

carpet tubes and carboard cores
Artificial Grass Rolls with cardboard tubes

At Just Paper Tubes we have noticed a massive increase this year in the demand for cardboard cores & tubes for synthetic surfaces, probably due to those people being furloughed deciding to spend more time & effort in their gardens & to those sports clubs who want to be able to spend more time on the pitch! Demand has increased & it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down anytime soon.

So, if your Company manufactures or distributes synthetic or artificial grass then just give us a call with your cardboard core & tubes requirements & we make a sales pitch for a really quick delivery!


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