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Tape Cores

Tape core
Tape cores
Tape tubes

Just Paper Tubes produced over 43 million Tape & Label Cores in 2023, making JPT the UK’s leading supplier in the tap core market.

tape tubes



19.4 mm to 254 mm INNER DIAMETER


2.5, 2.79, 3, 5, 7, 10 mm


8 mm to 2000 mm


19.4, 25.4, 38.5, 44.8, 76.6 and 153.5 mm

tape core











Strong enough to hold and bond together virtually anything, Yes its tapes! We’ve all spend 2020 with covid-19 covering our businesses, high-streets and supermarkets with social distancing tape, tapes covered all the UK that says keep 2 metres. But now the government is talking about moving the rule to 1 metre. So, it's all going to need re-taping. Some may say its crazy.  However, it's good for our tape customers and for us too, more rolls of tape and mores cores!  

We at JPT, manufacture and supply the high-quality tape cores for all kinds of tapes. JPT is the home for many leading brands of tape cores in the UK. Our tape cores go into production for PVC tapes, polythene & protection tapes, double-sided tapes and many more, in a variety of length and thickness.

At JPT, thin  but strong cardboard makes high-quality tape cores, which is 100% recyclable. We use the high strength cardboard to  tape cores, the more layers of paper determines the thickness of tape cores. Because of this, it is important to work with market leaders because tolerances on tape cores can be so critical in the retail and trade industries. Did you know JPT makes tape cores for many other cardboard tubes companies. Why? Because its our specialty.  Our skilled and expertly trained staff will make sure your tape cores are perfect, burr free and strong.  


We understand that in 80% of cases, the standard tape cores  can be 48mm or 24mm wide, and we have these in stock, ready to go in all different diameters. We have the largest core drying facility in the UK and this, along with our 24 hour production facilities means we can get those urgent tape cores out to you in hours, not days.  If you need something more bespoke, we also have thousands of master tape cores ready to cut, as we are writing this we have over 137 varieties of master tape cores tubes ready to go… to put that in perspective, its nearly 40 tonnes worth, all in an air conditioned facility which maintains their strength.

Here at JPT, our cardboard tube experts are capable of designing custom tape core solutions for a wide range of applications. As one of the leading tape core manufacturers’ in the UK, we have the experience you can be sure of when you need a reliable solution. We carry a wide variety of tape cores, PVC tapes, polythene & protection tapes, paper & masking tapes, double side tapes and reflective tapes. Besides, you can also get tape cores for printed tapes, cloth tapes, aluminium tapes and foam tapes.


We even can work with you to match your tape brand to the tape core, even when the end user has finished with the tape. We’ve all been frustrated with our recollection when we are nearly at the end of some tape that worked a treat, but you can’t remember the brand? If your tape cores were branded with an inner liner that matches your tape brand, your end users would be able to buy again and improve brand loyalty. Whether you are an existing tape core customer are a new one, if you’d like to look into the service get in touch with us.

Each product is manufactured in a way to meet the needs of our customer's exact specifications, we have three core values, the customer matters most, quality and reliability & the competitive edge. Tape cores customers, hold us against these please!

You, the customer have always been the priority in our business.  We are making a lot of effort to meet your needs through excellent products and high-quality customer service. We are looking forward to providing you with the best tape cores in the business. Please feel free to contact us, by whichever mean is easier for you, email, telephone call, live chat on our website or even WhatsApp. To facilitate the best customer service possible we’ve rolled out 24 hour 7 days a week customer support via telephone or WhatsApp, especially during these uncertain coronavirus (covid-19) times.

In 2018 we commissioned our massive purpose-built core-drying unit, unique in the UK, which enables us to provide higher quality cores whilst reducing lead times, for you, our Customer.

White, Brown, Printed liners and specialised solutions available.

All backed up by our 24 hours a day production and our ISO’s in Quality and Environmental.

Next day delivery or Same day collection.

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