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Why you should always use Manufacturer using 100% recycled paper for their cardboard tubes?

Today, as businesses are becoming more eco-conscious, they are seeking ways to recycle products and make them usable. Paper recycling is one of them. It is not only a cost-saving and sustainable resource to create new paper products like cores and cardboard tubes, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and saves the felling of virgin forests around the world.

When you get cardboard tubes or cores direct from a manufacturer that uses 100% recycled papers, you can have peace of mind that you are getting an eco-friendly product. A leading manufacturer like Just Paper Tubes uses their computer system and barcode in order to identify from the tube box or pallet right back to the pallet of recycled paper which they use to manufacture tubes. The manufacturing process of the recycling core is simple and require a few steps. Let’s talk about those steps in details.

Step-1 Supply and sourcing of Raw material

The manufacturing of recycling core starts with supplying and sourcing of raw materials.

Local councils and UK supermarkets gather used cardboard boxes and send it to the paper manufacturers. The manufacturers produce core made of recycled Old Corrugated Containers (OCC).

Step 2- Integrated Coreboard manufacturing

The Old Corrugated Containers are then sent to paper mills where they are recycled into the cardboard. In the process, OCC is properly cleaned up, and all impurities will be filtered from it like metals and plastics. After proper cleaning and pulping, these are made back into sheets of greyboard/coreboard using high pressure and steam to form a single sheet of paper again. The higher quality the waste, the stronger the paper you get after this process, and so the stronger the cardboard tubes!

Step 3- Core Manufacturing

Next step is about core manufacturing. In this process, the coreboard is covered across the spindle over a spiral winder and coated with adhesives. These adhesives are designed to optimize the bonding between the plys of paper, we always use adhesives that aren’t harmful to the environment or human health. The excess glue is captured and fed back into the production cycle to reduce the waste.

Step 4- Drying process

After the core is manufactured, then comes the drying process step. In this process, the core is removed from the winder and in stored in one of our environmentally controlled zones. It solidifies the glue, guaranteeing the adequacy of the core as a fundamental piece of your manufacturing procedure.

Step 5- Packaging

Another step after this is- packaging. The customer specific packaging is done after the core has been dried properly. At the time of packaging, special consideration is taken to save material as well as reducing waste. We have packaging plans for every customer product combination so we can tailor our product to match your needs.

Step 6- Recycling and scrap coreboards

Last but not the least, the leftover cores and scrap coreboard are collected and sent to the paper mills in order to be turned back into coreboard. Over 98% of our waste by weight goes back into coreboard production. Thus, the whole process of recycling comes to an end and you will receive cardboard tubes.

Manufacturing and Recycling Paper Products

Paper is made of fibres known as cellulose. This is the most flexible material used in every cardboard industry. Across the world, more than 400 million tons of cardboard and paper are manufactured every year. 50% out of which is sourced from the waste of business and industry and another 50% comes from recycled and recovered material.

However, it is not financial-savvy, but there are many environmental benefits it prevails. Compared to traditional disposal methods, it is most recommended procedure as it reduces deforestation, pollution as well as landfill, which increases the demand for recycled material.

Wrapping the post

Using 100% recycled paper for manufacturing cardboard tubes is the right choice. It not only provides an eco-friendly solution but can be helpful in various applications like packaging, manufacturing of tape cores, label cores, flexible film cores, and other industrial cores and products.

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